That's what i am lately.
Life has taken on...well...a life of it's own. It seems more and more lately that
i'm fighting to "beat the clock" so to speak on the weekends and at night. I just can't get it all done, and unfortunately the stuff i enjoy doing, and want to do, just gets put at the bottom of the list.
Sheesh. I have SO many random thoughts right now it's ridiculous, but
i'll spare you all too much randomness this time.
think Reese may be getting a tooth or two very soon. She just seems to be doing some odd things with her mouth lately, and she's constantly rubbing her bottom gums with her fingers now. She's also waking up at random times in the middle of night. I watch her through the monitor (
baby registry tip: the video baby monitor is a MUST), and she just seems to be uncomfortable. I usually let her figure it out on her own, but obviously
i'll go in there if she starts screaming and seems to be in discomfort. Any chance i get to spend time with her, even if it's rocking her at 2 a.m., is a chance
i'll take these days.
She's also figured out how to tuck her knees underneath her when she's on her belly, so i think we may be on our way to crawling. Right now she doesn't get up on all fours quite yet. She actually scoots herself onto her toes, butt in the air, and pushes her body forward to get to something now. It's so funny. And she's insistent upon pulling herself into a standing position on everything she can. She also seems to get the whole walking concept lately. When she seems antsy
i'll stand up with her and hold her hands and she "walks" in front of me - and she actually puts one foot in front of the other now. Granted she looks like she got into Daddy's mini fridge downstairs...but she's getting it nonetheless.
Work is work. Enough said.
Nate leaves for California on Wednesday. Although we were all supposed to stay for 10 days, he changed his ticket and will be coming home on Tuesday instead, so
i'll only be home alone with Reese for a week. I took off Wednesday and Friday of next week so i get to spend 5 days off with her. I'm so excited, but i know from the last time Nate went out of town that doing it all by yourself for multiple days in a row is exhausting. I've said it before and
i'll say it again - i honestly don't know how single mothers and fathers do it. My respect for them grows more and more every day.
And a little follow up from last week's chaos: I stopped taking the
Flomax. It wasn't allowing me to nurse anymore and as
ok as i would be with Reese not doing it anymore at all, i just remember how hard i worked to do it and figure why not keep at it a little longer. Nate feels pretty strongly that i should stop soon. Something tells me once she does break a tooth
i'll feel the same way. Until then, she's nursing once in the morning and once before bed. She gets two bottles of formula at Kathi's (by the way - formula is a fortune...and even the largest container goes fast).
I think i passed my stone. It must have broken up since i didn't really feel it make it's exit and for that
i'm grateful. RIP pet rock.
I'm off to bed.
I promise to catch up on some recipe posting this weekend too!