I totally suck at this blogging thing lately. Totally, totally suck.
Let's see...
I've literally been spending most all of my nights on Photoshop. Pitiful, i know. BUT, i was so in need of a hobby so I'm glad it seems to be filling that empty space these days.
Work has been pretty busy now that I'm in full planning and designing mode for 2010. We also hired someone new to our team so I'm trying to keep his plate full while getting him accustomed to the group and how we do things. The whole idea of hiring Justin is to give me more time back at the office...instead of pulling 12 hour days at the hotel when we do have a program on the calendar. As much as i love meeting new people and spending time out of the office, it's just getting to be too much with a baby at home. Leaving at 6 a.m. and getting home at 9 p.m. is exhausting. Unless i wanted to stay overnight for three days, which i don't, then leaving at the arse crack of dawn and getting home way past bedtime is the only option. Now with Justin on our team, I'm hoping i won't be pulling those kind of weeks throughout the year. Time will tell.
I just can't believe for one minute that Christmas is a week from this Friday. When did that happen?!?! I'm not totally done shopping, but pretty darn close. I also sealed all of our Xmas card envelopes today and stamped half of them. Now the hardest part...getting to the post office to buy more stamps. Ugh. I hate the post office. Kerri knows this all too well, as I've had clothes for TJ for weeks now, that at this point he'll be using to dress some sort of boyish doll one day. Although, knowing Tim, TJ will never own any kind of doll. Ever ;)
Since i hardly took any vacation days prior to my maternity leave i came back to about 22 of them!!! I've been able to knock it down to about 13 with the holidays and shopping days. So tomorrow is one of my days off, but it's also my office holiday party. The girl coordinating it asked if i would come and bring Reese with me, to which i thought "Sure, what the heck!" It won't be the most fun since the drive is sooooooo loooooooooong. Hopefully i can time it somewhat right and it will allow Reese to nap a bit. We'll see how it goes.
Reese had her 8 month appointment yesterday, even though she's just about 8 1/2 months old! She weighed in at a whopping 18 pounds 12 ounces and she's 28 inches long. She got two more shots, which she was so not happy about. In fact, she cried before the doctor even put the needle in her chubby thigh. She just knows now. It's pretty amazing how intuitive they can be at such a young age.
She's also pulling herself onto everything she can. Standing like crazy! Yesterday i was getting dressed in our bedroom. I sat Reese in front of the laundry basket as she usually likes to unfold all the clean laundry as a form of entertainment. I turned my head for one second, and when i looked at her again there she was standing tall and so proud of her little self! Tonight she even stood up and let go of me, holding a book! The kid is fearless. She has scratches on her face to prove it! Her newest daredevil move is standing herself out of the bath seat she has. Not cool. The tub is just a whole other level of danger. It scares the crap out of me.
So, i guess that's all for now. Hoping for a fun and easy day at the holiday party. Back to work Tuesday through Thursday and off again on Friday to use up some more vacation!
Kerri - if i could pass them along to you i would!
Oh. Hello.
11 years ago
I wish you could too! :)
ReplyDeleteI have about 6 weeks, and hopefully will get a few from coworkers.. So it will be good!
Don't worry about the Post office, you have plenty of time!! You especially don't want to go right now, its crazy there! Speaking of, we got your Christmas card today! So cute, I showed Tim (it is hanging on the fridge) and he started smiling. She is so cute. I am late on this, so I hope the Christmas party went well!